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Back-to-School Tips for your Nonprofit

Written by Alyssa Putzer | Aug 11, 2017 1:19:00 PM

It’s that time of year again, and whether you’re holding on tight to the last few remnants of summer with your kids or ushering them out the door, back-to-school is inevitable. By the time they’re getting on the bus to head to their first day of school, you are confident that their lunch is packed, backpack is zipped, supplies are purchased, they’re rocking their first-day-of-school outfit and you’re mentally prepared not to cry (OK, maybe a little) this year. They’re ready and you’re ready to take on another year.

So, how can you translate this preparation and excitement to your nonprofit job? You likely didn’t get to take three months off to soak up the summer sun, play with your friends and relax, but that doesn’t mean that back-to-school can’t be exhilarating for you, too! Most people think of starting new and setting goals on January 1, but what if you rearranged your calendar to make back-to-school time your time to start fresh?

Here’s how:

Treat yourself to new office supplies: Are your notebooks filling up? Binders looking a little grungy? You know the feeling when you have layers upon layers of white-out on your manila folders so that you can continue to reuse them. It’s time to invest in some new office supplies, and not much can make you excited to make a to-do list than a new box of pens and some fresh sticky notes.

You can’t deny the power of a new outfit: Your kids are strutting their stuff on the first day of school, feeling great in their brand new outfits. So strut into the office in a new power suit, pair of shoes, tie or accessory because, sometimes, nothing gets you up and moving in the morning like the excitement of a new outfit that raises your confidence and gives you a fresh outlook on life.

Upgrade your technology for a new year: Did your kids walk out the door with a new smartphone, tablet, laptop or other electronic device? Don’t let them have all the fun! If your nonprofit has been considering upgrading old, outdated legacy systems, take that consideration to the next level and start doing the research, making the phone calls and watching the demos to get on-track toward a software upgrade.

Set new goals: Even if you set some goals in January, take some time to look back at those goals and see which ones you’ve accomplished, which ones you’re on track to accomplish and which ones still need some attention. This may mean that you need to reevaluate some of your goals, or set some brand new ones.

What are some ways that you pump up the back-to-school excitement at your nonprofit? Share with us in the comments below!