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Harnessing the Power of CRM for Nonprofit Grant Writing and Management

Written by Andy Birkey | Jun 29, 2023 8:37:32 PM

Many nonprofits rely on grants for stability in programs and services but the task of securing and managing grants can be onerous.  To streamline these processes and enhance the efficiency of the task, a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software like ResultsPlus can play an incredibly supportive role.

Grant prospecting

Keeping track of the due dates, eligibility requirements, grant officer contact info, and past applications related to grant opportunities is vital to a successful grant-writing program. A CRM can help you keep track of these details and ensure you don’t miss important deadlines and that you send that inquiry letter or application to the right person. 

Data Consolidation 

With a CRM, all pertinent information about your nonprofit - from project reports, beneficiary statistics, to outcomes and impact data - can be centralized and easily accessible. This consolidation simplifies the grant writing process by reducing the time spent searching for information.

Tailored Applications 

Understanding the preferences and requirements of different grant-making bodies can enhance your success rate. A CRM allows for storing data about previous interactions, successful applications, and feedback from grantors, thereby enabling tailored grant applications that align with each grantor's unique criteria.

Building Strong Relationships with Grantors

Just like any other relationship, the one between a nonprofit and its grantors needs to be nurtured through Personalized Communication and Acknowledgement and Appreciation. Using CRM, nonprofits can customize their communication with each grantor based on their specific interests and preferences. This includes timely and personalized thank-you notes to grantors, emphasizing the impact of their contribution, which can enhance the likelihood of future funding.

Managing Your Grants with a CRM

Managing a grant after receiving it involves budgeting, reporting, maintaining compliance, and building strong relationships with the grantors. A CRM can Track Progress and Spending which helps ensure transparency and adherence to grant conditions. It can also provide automated reporting of progress as all as send reminders of reporting deadlines ensuring grant compliance. 

The initial investment in a CRM system like ResultsPlus can yield significant returns in the form of efficient operations, improved grant success rates, and stronger relationships with grantors. Embracing this technology could mean the difference between surviving and thriving in the nonprofit world.