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Philanthropic Fireworks: Volunteer Opportunities on the 4th of July

Written by Alyssa Putzer | Jun 29, 2017 2:11:00 PM

You’re all set for the party. You have the burgers and the hot dogs, the patriotic desserts, the red, white and blue streamers that you stood in line for an hour at Party City to get, the piles of fireworks the kids are just dying to get their hands on. This promises to be a 4th of July your friends and family will never forget!

But this year, we encourage you to make the holiday even more special; not just for you, but for your community. We encourage you to take a break from the party-planning, step away from the grill and take your finger off the matches and find an opportunity to volunteer this Independence Day. In fact, we’re even going to make it extra easy and provide you with some great ideas to get you started with lighting that philanthropic firework!

  • Get ahead of the game and help with your local celebration. If your town is hosting a parade, a 4th of July festival or a fireworks display, see how you and your family can help out. Help your community celebrate Independence Day by getting involved and showing your American pride.
  • Clean up a park. Give other families a place to celebrate by cleaning up a local park! Our beautiful parks are part of what make this country great, so help keep them clean and looking great for future generations and Independence Days.
  • Volunteer at the VA. Is there anything better to do on the 4th of July than volunteer your time with the people who have dedicated their lives to protecting America and our freedoms? Find your local VA or other veterans’ organization and sit down and have a conversation, bring a meal and a smile and show your appreciation for the work they have put in to making sure we can keep celebrating Independence Days.
  • Help a family in need. There are many families struggling as their family members fight for America overseas. Many are spending the holiday without spouses, parents, kids and friends. Bring them a meal, get together to write letters of appreciation to their loved ones serving in the military, invite them to the parade and spend some time getting to know them and what they’re going through. Often, Independence Day is a day of great pride, as well as a day of great difficulty for military families.

Do you have a tradition of volunteering on the 4th of July? If so, we want to hear about it and how you’re lighting the philanthropic fireworks.