ResultsPlus is coming to New Orleans for AFP ICON 2023!

Banner-1024x341Look for the ResultsPlus team at AFP ICON 2023 ( from April 16-18 in New Orleans. 

Every year AFP holds the largest gathering of fundraising professionals in the world — AFP ICON. This gathering will bring together over 3,500 attendees in New Orleans and provide over 100 education sessions, networking opportunities and the chance to visit the AFP EXCHANGE, where attendees will meet with companies providing goods and services to fundraising professionals. AFP conferences and events offer not just an opportunity to learn, but also to network, engage, share ideas, and connect with fundraisers from across the globe.

Meet with the ResultsPlus team to learn more about CRMs, and how a CRM can help organizations cultivate and nurture relationships with constituents. Stop by booth #709 to say hello and learn more about ResultPlus.

We look forward to seeing you in New Orleans!