Share and Care Alike: The Networking Nonprofit

Many years ago, when I was about to embark on a new job that involved raising funds for a nonprofit organization, the practice was still called fundraising and donor management systems were just becoming common. I found myself in this situation after being encouraged by the Executive Director to branch out from my original responsibilities, and I had agreed with no small amount of trepidation.

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Nonprofit Technology: An Investment for Good

If you’re working for a nonprofit, it’s likely that you are operating under a very tight budget. You may have to make do with outdated nonprofit technology, limited staff and not the most ergonomic office equipment. When it comes to making a big purchase, it takes a lot of planning, negotiating, discussion and possibly a large pros and cons list.

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Big Brother Versus the Big Apple?

There is a fascinating discussion beginning to play out in the media regarding data privacy and security. It’s a battle between the FBI and Apple over a cell phone used by one of the attackers in the mass shooting at the San Bernadino County Department of Public Health on December 2, 2015.

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