4 Reasons to Switch to Cloud Tech for Nonprofits

In light of today’s uncertainty, we have been receiving numerous calls requesting information about our ResultsPlus Online service. More than ever, organizations are requesting that their employees work from home, and for those whose current infrastructure may be lacking, it can be hard to complete day-to-day tasks.

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4 Ways to Maintain Donor Engagement During COVID-19

Executive directors, fundraisers and other nonprofit employees, we know that you’re in unfamiliar territory this year. The impact that COVID-19 will ultimately have on the sector is still unknown, but what we do know is that you are all taking on these unprecedented times with ingenuity, creativity, strength and resilience.

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COVID-Proof Virtual Nonprofit CRM Training

It’s the age of e-learning, and while we jumped on the bandwagon a long time ago, we’re now really realizing just how crucial having virtual training options is for our clients. Whether you’re back at the office or still working from home, we have some online training courses to help keep you safe and feeling confident about how to use your ResultsPlus system. If you’ve brought on some new team members who will be working in ResultsPlus, or if you just need a little refresher, we encourage you to register yourself and your team for a class that fits your needs and schedule.

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6 Tips for Effective Home-Based Fundraising

Some things have been put on pause due to the coronavirus pandemic. Events, sports, eating out, travel, etc. All of these aspects of normal life are on hold as the world works to try and flatten the coronavirus curve. However, fundraisers are finding ways to keep raising money for the causes they support. Through innovation, technology and plenty of creativity, they are continuing to nurture relationships with donors, educate themselves and others, raise funds and set their nonprofit up for success down the road.

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2019: The Year of Things

We’re not talking about just any old “thing,” we’re talking about the Internet of Things. From smartphones to smart refrigerators, the Internet of Things is making it possible for us to use connected devices to collect, share and utilize data. We’re thinking voice assistants, like Alexa and Siri that can tell you what the weather is, what the best Italian restaurant in your city is, and how much longer your cupcakes need to bake for. Today’s homes are even getting smarter and smarter. From smart thermostats that help people be more energy efficient, smart refrigerators that let you know when your produce is going bad and how much milk you have left (yes, this is a thing), and smart lightbulbs that automatically adjust based on the time of day.

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Philanthropic Fireworks: Volunteer Opportunities on the 4th of July

You’re all set for the party. You have the burgers and the hot dogs, the patriotic desserts, the red, white and blue streamers that you stood in line for an hour at Party City to get, the piles of fireworks the kids are just dying to get their hands on. This promises to be a 4th of July your friends and family will never forget!

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